Δημοσιεύουμε την επιστολή του ΓΓΑ προς την WADA. Νομίζουμε ότι η ΓΓΑ και γενικότερα η αθλητική ηγεσία δεν γνωρίζει το ιστορικό των θεμάτων ντόπινγκ που μας έχουν στιγματίσει τα τελευταία 20 χρόνια και γι΄αυτό υποθέτουμε ότι στέλνουν τέτοιες γενικές επιστολές οι οποίες δεν πείθουν κανένα. Αντίθετα μάλιστα κάποιοι λογικά θα θεωρήσουν ότι το ελληνικό κράτος εξακολουθεί να κλείνει τα μάτια στο ντόπινγκ και γι’ αυτό στέλνει τόσο γενικές επιστολές.
Υ.Γ.1.Τι εννοεί ο ΓΓΑ ότι το εργαστήριο αντι-ντόπινγκ κάνει εξαιρετική δουλειά; Δηλαδή πως γίνεται ένα διαπιστευμένο εργαστήριο να κάνει εξαιρετική δουελειά όταν δεν ανιχνεύει σωστά τις ουσίες που είναι στην λίστα των απαγορευμένων ουσιών; Ξέχασε ο ΓΓΑ την περίπτωση της Μ3;
Υ.Γ. 2.Κ. ΓΓΑ δεν είναι ανόητοι τα στελέχη της WADA ξέρουν πολύ καλά τί γίνεται στην Ελλάδα.
7, Kifissias ave. 115 23 Ambelokipoi,
Tel :+30 213 1317133-4-5 Fax:+30 210 6472019
Email: gsof@gga.gov.gr
To World Anti-Doping Agency To the attention of: Mr. Rune Andersen Director Standards and Harmonization Athens, 15/09/11 Ref. No. 95
Dear Mr R. Andersen,
Thank you for your letter to the Minister of Culture and Tourism, dated 24/5/2011. The Minister, Mr. Pavlos Geroulanos has asked me to respond to your questions and concerns on his behalf and obviously representing the position of the Hellenic Government on the above matter. We are also aware of the recent statement of WADA dated 13/09/2011, under the title WADA statement on Antidoping in Greece. As regards the issues raised in the above documents, please note the following:
A) The Hellenic Government is fully and strongly dedicated to the Antidoping policy in all domains of athletic action.
B) The procedures and practices in Greece are in harmony and in strict compliance with the international obligations of Greece and we are strongly committed to continue this policy despite the current difficulties, which stem by the global financial crisis.
C) The doping control laboratory of Athens, the only one in our region, does an excellent work in full compliance with the technics and procedures of your organization. Needless to stress, that the Hellenic Government applies programs to improve the laboratory’s facilities and technological infrastructure. During 2011, to our best of our knowledge, the laboratory completed 2200 doping controls, examining the relevant samples and it is beyond any doubt that the limit of 3000 controls yearly will be fulfilled. We estimate that the laboratory will exceed this number given that it provides services not only for Greece but for several countries in the area and not only.
D) ESKAN, our national antidoping agency covers with antidoping controls all the major athletic events in Greece. Certain minor procedural difficulties concerning the fees of DCO’S have already been accommodated. This matter concerns the resolution of certain objections of DCO’S on the agreed amount of fees for their services. The Hellenic Parliament will consider new legislation within the current year thus to provide ESKAN with more flexibility and authority to organise its work.
E) We noted WADA’S comments concerning the two athlete’s case before the Greek criminal jurisdiction. We stress your attention to the obvious and culturally and legally common base of European and not only constitutional orders, which rule, that the judiciary is totally and absolutely independent and cannot be in any way directly or indirectly influenced by the executive power or the Parliament. Therefore any comments concerning a judicial decision are beyond any legitimate criticism from the executive.
Sincerely yours,