Text : Giannis Psarelis – Athens Triathlon Team Head Coach & Triathlon World Editor (Email : info@triathlonworld.gr/ Mobile : +306937170260) The most common mistakes that triathletes are doing as far as running are concerned are the following: They don’t choose the correct running shoes for their running style and their feet as well. They […]
Triathlon training : The most common mistakes in running.
Triathlon Training : The most common mistakes in cycling training.
Text :Giannis Psarelis – Athens Triathlon Team Head Coach & Triathlon World Editor (Email : info@triathlonworld.gr/ Mobile : +306937170260) The most common mistakes that triathletes are doing in terms of Cycling training are the following: They don’t choose the correct bike and generally speaking they choose the wrong equipment, e.g. saddle, shoes, … Their […]
Smart Sport : Swimming fast…the right mentality.
Text : Giannis Psarelis _Athens Triathlon Team Head Coach and TriathlonWorld editor If you want not to improve in your swimming then you should do the following: Swim continually. Get in the swimming pool and just swim. Approach your swim training the same way you approach your cycling and running training Train in swimming pool […]
Smart Sport : Training & Fitness Services
Smart Sport Swim – Bike – Run – Triathlon More and more people are including running, swimming, cycling at their everyday’s life. Most of them stop their involvement with endurance sport/ activities as they get injured or they are demotivated. Join Smart Sport and get the best possible support by experts in each field. […]
Athens Triathlon Team : Till my legs give out…
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