Customized Coaching Plans & Support Fully Customized Monthly Schedule On the field tests (planning & analysis) in order to create the training zones according to velocity, pace, power, heart rate Access to Team Snap Triathlon Lab account- Access to Videos & Δωρεάν συμμετοχή σε προπονητικά webinar (1 το μήνα) Webinar : Free Participation Race Strategy […]
About triathlonworld
Ο κ. Γιάννης Ψαρέλης είναι από τα ιστορικά στελέχη του Τριάθλου στη χώρα μας έχοντας παρακολουθήσει και συμμετέχει έντονά στη διοικητική ανάπτυξη του αθλήματος. Χρόνια μέλος των εθνικών ομάδων ,εκπρόσωπος των αθλητών στην τεχνική επιτροπή του αθλήματος, υπεύθυνος χάραξης των διαδρομών αγώνων της Ομοσπονδίας μεταξύ των οποίων και της Ολυμπιακής διαδρομής του 2004 στη Βουλιαγμένη,έχει διατελέσει γενικός γραμματέας της Ομοσπονδίας Τριάθλου και εκπρόσωπος αυτής στην Ελληνική Ολυμπιακή Επιτροπή. Έχει πληθώρα προπονητικών πιστοποιήσεων στα αθλήματα αντοχής από εθνικές ομοσπονδίες και συνδέσμους προπονητών. Έχει παρακολουθήσει πλήθος εκπαιδευτικών σεμιναρίων της Διεθνούς Ομοσπονδίας Τριάθλου τόσο για Διοργανωτές Αγώνων όσο και κριτές. Επίσης έχει παρακολουθήσει πολυήμερα σεμινάρια για διοργανωτές αγώνων στη Λοζάνη κάτω από την εποπτεία της ΔΟΕ. Έχει σπουδάσει Χημεία στο Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών. Έχει τους εξής πανεπιστημιακούς μεταπτυχιακούς τίτλους : Αθλητική Διοίκηση (Παν.Lyon1-Masters in Sport Organisations Management – πρόγραμμα αναγνωρισμένο από την Διεθνή Ολυμπιακή Επιτροπή), Αθλητική Διοίκηση (Παν. Leicester), Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων (Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών- Executive MBA), Μάρκετινγκ & Επικοινωνία (Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών -MSc in Marketing and communication with New Technologies). Προπονητής Τριάθλου Προπονητής Τριάθλου Ο κ.Γιάννης Ψαρέλης έχει διατελέσει Διοικητικός Υπεύθυνος καθώς και Υπεύθυνος Στρατηγικής & Ανάπτυξης στο Sports Excellence (πρόγραμμα που πραγματοποιείται υπό την επιστημονική επίβλεψη της Α’ Ορθοπαιδικής Κλινικής του ΕΚΠΑ, όντας εγκεκριμένο κέντρο από τον Διεθνή Σύνδεσμο Κέντρων Υψηλού Αθλητισμού) έχοντας την επιστημονική επίβλεψη μέχρι και 1800 επίλεκτων αθλητών και αθλητριών προεθνικών και εθνικών ομάδων έως 18 ετών καθώς και των μελών της Προ-Ολυμπαικής προετοιμασίας για τους ΟΑ του Τόκυο (με μνημόνιο συνεργασίας με την ΕΟΕ). Σε επίπεδο ακαδημαϊκό/ ερευνητικό με σημείο αναφοράς μεταπτυχιακές και διδακτορικές σπουδές ασχολείται κυρίως με την επίδραση των προϊόντων νεοπρενίου/ wetsuit στην κολύμβηση τριαθλητών καθώς και με την μεγιστοποίηση της απόδοσης των αθλητών στο mixed relay του Τριάθλου. Από το 1990 συμμετέχει ως εισηγητής σε πλήθος εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα επιμόρφωσης προπονητών, καθηγητών Φυσικής Αγωγής, γονέων αλλά και αθλητών είτε αναπτύσσοντας τεχνικά θέματα που αφορούν το Τρίαθλο είτε θέματα που αφορούν την ηθική στον αθλητισμό και το αντι-ντόπινγκ. Αρθογραφεί σε πλήθος αθλητικών ιστοσελίδων και περιοδικών σε θέματα που αφορούν την προπονητική, τους κανονισμούς του Τριάθλου ή θέματα ηθικής/ κοινωνιολογίας του αθλητισμού. Ο ίδιος σε συνεργασία με αθλητικούς φορείς (Ομοσπονδίας, Σωματείων και Αθλητικών Οργανισμών των Δήμων) από το 1990 έως σήμερα έχει σχεδιάσει και διοργανώσει έχοντας την επίβλεψη πάνω από 50 αγώνων σε όλη την Ελλάδα (Αθήνα, Χανιά, Ρέθυμνο, Τρίπολη, Θεσσαλονίκη, Σέρρες, Πιερία κ.λπ.)Cassandre Beaugrand “The Next Big Think in Triathlon” uses Aquaman Gold
Cassandre Beaugrand “The Next Big Think in Triathlon” uses Aquaman Gold Aquaman Cell Gold– Almost Zero Water Retention The Gold Cell is a high end model with high performance capability and will keep you warmer. This model is made with the Metal Cell technology, which is neoprene on the outside and inside, treated with SCS […]
Τhe relationship between body mass and running performance for Triathletes
Text “Body composition is most often viewed in the context of the two compartment model : body mass is a combination of fat free mass and fat mass… Low body fat content is associated with better performance in most endurance activities. Researchers have found that the athletes with lower body fat percentage had higher maximum […]
Athens Triathlon Team : Elena Weiss
My name is Elena Weiss and I am from Austria. In Tirol, the part of Austria I grew up in, exercise is a part of life. In my childhood we would ski and ice skate in the winter and go mountaineering, swimming and sailing on the lakes in the summer. The weather was never an […]
Athens Triathlon Team : Athena Pseftoudis
My name is Athena Pseftoudis, a 51 year old full time working women. Although I have no family obligations I do have a busy job and lifestyle and I am sure that finding ‘time’ to exercise is a personal preference and there are really NO excuses. In my books. We all associate the months of […]
Athlete Centered Coaching
Text – Giannis Psrelis, BSc, MSc, MBA, PhDc- Triathlon Coach (Email My personal believe and part of my personal coaching philosophy is that “Coaching is all about the athlete”. I consider that my role as a sports coach is to help the athlete fulfill his sports vision and as a consequence to that to […]
Triathlon : A fast developed sport worldwide
World-wide development of the sport Text : Giannis PSarelis- Triathlon Coach BSc, MSc, MBA, PhDc (text written on 2000) The International Triathlon Union, which is the International Governing Sport and is affiliated to IOC and ASOIF, considers as first Triathlon the race organised in San Diego. Many Europeans have presented documents of race taking place […]
Triathlon Coach Educational Activities : Webinar
A core principle of our coaching philosophy is to make the athlete taking the responsibility of his/ her development and to create continuously educational activities. During these “Tri- Isolation” times where we don’t have the opportunity to have contact with our athletes at the training sites we have decided to develop further our educational activities […]
A Run Certified Coach
A competitive athlete for many years, Giannis Psarelis says, “After many years as an athlete and coach, sports participation becomes more and more a private procedure.” Through his competition years, Giannis completed more than 200 triathlon races and 150 running races. Now that he is no longer competing, Giannis runs several times per week. He […]
What factors may influence a person’s learning performance?
Sports Coaching – What factors may influence a person’s learning performance Text : Giannis Psarelis – Triathlon Coach (TRiathlon New Zeeland Level 3 Accredited Triathlon Coach) – Contact Details : The factors that can influence someone’s learning performance could be categorized as following : Environmental Factors : Noise, temperature, humidity,… People that are feeling […]
The Pedagogy of Sports Coaching
Text : Giannis Psarelis – Triathlon Coach (TRiathlon New Zeeland Level 3 Accredited Triathlon Coach) – Contact Details : Pedagogy of coaching is the learning experience that takes place in a sport coaching environment. There are three dimensions that influence this process: The context. As mentioned in other chapters of the book and previous […]
Triathlon Coach Giannis Psarelis
Giannis was born in 1969, in Palaio Faliro- Athens Greece. His mother (Greek Australian born in Adelaide) influenced him to get into various Sports from early childhood. He competed in his first triathlon when he was 21 and has since been involved as an athlete, coach, sports events organiser and administrator, anti doping control officer […]
Triathlon Coach Greece on Tumblr
You can follow Triathlon Coach Greece on tunblr
International Athletes Competing in 2019 Yangshuo Triathlon
Morning of September 8th at 7 AM, at the sound of a sharp starting signal, setting off a day of competition for 2019 Yangshuo Triathlon.1200 athletes from 15 countries and regions participated. As one of the top Triathlon events in China, this year’s routes covering 113 kilometers of some of the most breathtaking landmarks of Yangshuo. At the end of a fierce racing day, Hu ChunXi took […]
IRONMAN Coaching Recertification
“Congratulationson successfully passing the IRONMAN Coaching Recertification Exam! Your certificate has been extended 2 years”. Why to be an Ironman Triathlon Coach? Why to get recertified every 2 years? Giannis Psarelis :“ It’s because -more than anything – as a triathlon coach I respect the athletes that train under my supervision and I want to […]
BALCO case evidence was illegally shown on nationwide Greek television including US athlete’s doping calanders with codes.
After a long period of silence, followed by the confusion occurred by the incidents of the August 12th, doping returns to the moment in Greece. Tonight, the Greek TV MEGA Channel, presented a brilliant job prepared by a group of elite country’s journalists. In their weekly political show “The Folders”, a brief history of Christos […]
Thinking about doing an IRONMAN 70.3 Greece, Coacta Navarino? Of course you are.!
Hire a IRONMAN Certified Coach now to help you get across that finish line in the near future. Our coaches reach all over the world and have went through an extensive curriculum to help hone their craft in all areas of this sport. Whether it’s battling your fear of open water swimming or dialing in […]
Mountain Running Research – Athlete Assessments, free of charge
The scientific team of Sports Excellence, Department of the 1st Orthopedic Clinic of the Medical School of the University of Athens, funded exclusively by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF), commited to supporting and improving the athlete’s health, and on the occasion of the “Vamvakou Mountain Run” 28 km route, will be conducting for the first […]
A competitive athlete for many years, Giannis Psarelis says, “After many years as an athlete and coach, sports participation becomes more and more a private procedure.” Through his competition years, Giannis completed more than 200 triathlon races and 150 running races. Now that he is no longer competing, Giannis runs several times per week. He enjoys running […]
Life in Athens Triathlon Team
When joining Athens Triathlon Team, you will receive, as we all do, a detailed training plan, in accordance to the latest scientific advances in athletics, coaching and psychology of sports, adapted to you daily schedule. And surely, you can have your training program and train alone as much as you want, but the true advantage […]
For the first time, the country where the Olympic spirit was born will host an IRONMAN 70.3 race!
Press Release. Greece conjures up images of sandy beaches under blue skies, fresh and nourishing cuisine, and whitewashed houses. It is also the country where the Olympic spirit was born, making it a fitting host for a triathlon. IRONMAN 70.3 Greece, Costa Navarino will take place in April, with the pleasant temperatures of spring bringing […]
For the first time, the country where the Olympic spirit was born will host an IRONMAN 70.3
Greece conjures up images of sandy beaches under blue skies, fresh and nourishing cuisine, and whitewashed houses. It is also the country where the Olympic spirit was born, making it a fitting host for a triathlon. IRONMAN 70.3 Greece, Costa Navarino will take place in April, with the pleasant temperatures of spring bringing the ideal […]
The Championship 2018 Confirms €150,000 Prize Purse
Posted on: 13 October 2017 CHALLENGEFAMILY is delighted to announce that, in addition to THECHAMPIONSHIP 2018 being held in the same spectacular venue x-bionic® sphere, it will offer a prize purse of €150,000. The 2017 middle-distance championship race, in which athletes from 57 countries competed, offered equal prize money for male and female athletes: 1st place: €30,000 (male/female) […]
Ventum is the Official Bike Sponsor of the 2017 IRONMAN World Championship in Kona.
No downtube. No seatstays. No competition. We create the ultimate triathlon racing bicycles using technology from fighter jets and Formula One race cars. Ventum Z The Ventum Z uses the same patented frame design as the Ventum One with an integrated 1.4 liter water bottle. The Ventum frame is paired with a 3T fork and […]
Two Wins for Renaud Blanc
Athens Triathlon Team PR- Two Wins for Renaud Blanc First (1st) Place in General Classification in Salamis Triathlon (September 3rd, 2017) for Renaud Blanc & First (1st) place for Renaud Blanc at the 6kms Road running race in Lake Beletsi (September 10th, 2017) . A great performance the day after a very hard brick […]
How important is the kicking in triathlon?
Text/Author :Giannis Psarelis There is a wrong impression that has been spread all over the triathlon world that triathletes don’t need to kick as they have to save the legs for later into racing and that they don’t need to precise kicking in training. It’s also assumed that triathletes have excellent kicking as they have […]
Gender Physiological differences in Triathlon
Author/ Text: Giannis Psarelis Triathlon New Zeeland Level 3 Accredited Coach There are many obvious and well know physiological differences. “There are some basic physiological, nutrition and medical gender differences that coaches must consider when training females. Female athletes approach training and racing with different mental skills as well.” (USA Triathlon Guide, page31) We mention some […]
Coaching Female athletes
Text/ Author :Giannis Psarelis When I have started to coach in a full time basis I was very worried about my coaching ability to coach female athletes. I was worried whether I would be able to understand their special needs, whether I could have the patience to cover their psychological needs,… Prior to my professional […]
Sports Psychology: Extrinsic & Intrinsic motivation
Author :Giannis Psarelis Sport psychologists split the motivation sources in extrinsic and intrinsic. As ecxtrinsic motivation we refer to reinforcements – positive or negative- coming from our environment, usually coming from other people. But motivation may come also from ourselves and tjhis procedure is called intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation To give a definition we could […]
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the International Triathlon Union (ITU) today officially announced that Triathlon Mixed Team Relays will be added to the event program for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. The program was added among nine other new events for Tokyo 2020 following a meeting of the IOC Executive […]
IOC includes the Triathlon Mixed Relays on the Tokyo 2020 Olympics ITU is pleased to announce that the Triathlon Mixed Relays has been included on the Programme for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee announced on Friday June 9 the new events added for the next Olympics, which will be Triathlon Mixed Relays, Basketball 3×3, Archery Mixed Team event, 4×400 mixed relays […]
Laura Bennett has announced her retirement from Triathlon
Laura Bennett through her account on Facebook has announced her retirement from Triathlon: “I would like to send out a huge thank you to all those who I was blessed to have a part of my journey in my passion & career in sport. To my family, sponsors, sports physicians, friends, race directors, federations, race […]
Greg Bennet has announced his retirement from Triathlon as an athlete.
Greg Bennet through his facebook account has announced his retirement as an athlete: “To all my friends in the Triathlon world, I want to take this moment to announce that I will be retiring from the sport of Triathlon as an athlete. I get emotional as I write this. Please apologize for the length. My […]
Challenge Almere: More popular than ever
CHALLENGEALMERE-AMSTERDAM organizes the oldest long distance triathlon of Europe on 9 September 2017. The European Triathlon Union (ETU) and CHALLENGEFAMILY have granted Almere the European Championship. Dutch athletes, however, also have a chance to be crowned as Dutch Champions during this classic race. The long distance triathlon consists of a 3,8 km swim course in […]
From – A triathlon is a multiple-stage competition involving the completion of three continuous and sequential endurance disciplines.[1] While many variations of the sport exist, triathlon, in its most popular form, involves swimming, cycling, and running in immediate succession over various distances. Triathletes compete for fastest overall course completion time, including timed “transitions” between […]
USADA:The Simple Truth: Decoding the Dietary Supplement Industry
The dietary supplement industry is enormous. Supplements that appear to be safe could actually be dangerous products in disguise. Watch the video to learn more.
Athens Classic Marathon: Registrations in the 10km & 5km Morning Road Race have nearly closed!
An amazing response by runners who are to participate in the greatest running event of Greece was witnessed earlier today. Registrations for the 10km & 5km Morning Road Races closed only a few hours after opening and six months before the Athens Marathon event to be held on 12 November 2017. Ιn less than four […]
Triathlon (swim- bike – run) and Multi sports races in Greece, 2017
2017 Triathlon Races 23/04/2017, Triathlon, Oropos, “Energy Triathlon Attiki 2017” (Distance : Sprint + Semilong) 29/04/2017, Triathlon, Rhodes, “Oceanlava Rhodes sprint distance” (Distance: Sprint) 29-30/04/2017, Triathlon, off-road, Vouliagmeni, “XTERRA Greece Championship” (Distances: Full – Sprint) 05/05/17, Triathlon, Spetses, “5th Spetsathlon” (Distances: Sprint & Olympic+), 13-14/05/17, Triathlon, Katerini, “4th AlmiraMan” (Distances: Sprint […]
Open Water Swimming Race in Oitylo Bay, Mani (Laconia)
WayOut Adventures and Oceanman with the contribution of Mani Water Sports are organizing for the first time in Greece and specifically in the idyllic Oitylo bay, in the heart of Mani, the first international Open Water Competition OCEANMAN GREECE OITYLO BAY. Swimmers of more than 20 nationalities take part in OCEANMAN races, which maintain a […]
Athens Triathlon Team : Facts & Figures
Athens Triathlon Team is the most Successful and better organized triathlon team in Greece: More than 250 podium places in Triathlon races the last 5 years There are 10 different athletes, members of the team, that have achieved to win the general classification of a triathlon race. There are 15 different athletes, members of our […]
Super League Triathlon is here
Singapore (February 10, 2017) – Super League Triathlon has today been unveiled as the future of triathlon with huge prize money, superstar fields and action-packed racing formats that provide pulse-pounding action and an unparalleled spectator experience. The world’s best triathletes including two-time Olympic gold medallist Alistair Brownlee (GBR), dual Olympic medallist Jonathan Brownlee (GBR), […]
The Moment is coming
Glasgow and Berlin will co-host the inaugural European Championships in August 2018, bringing together the existing championships of seven of Europe’s leading sports into one coordinated, exciting multi-sport event. Aquatics, cycling, gymnastics, golf, rowing and triathlon will be held in Scotland, with the German capital hosting the athletics. The 2018 European Championships Board has finalised […]
Okeanos Masters International Meeting 2017
AO OKEANOS swimming club organizes the 1st International MASTER Swimming Meeting which is the major event of the 3rd Greek Masters Swimming Series (GMA swimming series) under the supervision of the Hellenic Swimming Federation. The meeting will take place at the Olympic Athletic Center of Athens OAKA (Spyrou Loui 37, Maroussi 15123) on the following […]
Triple Win for On
On wins ISPO Product of the Year Award for 2017/18, Gold for best Performance Shoe and recognition for the new On Performance Running Gear. MUNICH, Germany – January 30th, 2017 – The Swiss Sports Company On wins the prestigious Product of the Year Award at ISPO, the international sporting goods trade-fair, for the Cloudflash […]
Peter Sagan crowned UCI WorldTour number one
After an already outstanding season, including 13 wins, 10 of which came in WorldTour classed races, Peter Sagan has cemented his spot as the UCI WorldTour number one ranked rider. Having an almost unsurmountable lead going into the final WorldTour race of the season, the title was confirmed after Saturday’s Il Lombardia. The accolade is […]
British champion Blythe backs Yorkshire 2019 UCI Road World Championships bid
Wednesday 21 September 2016 British champion Blythe backs Yorkshire 2019 UCI Road World Championships bid British road cycling champion Adam Blythe believes Yorkshire is the perfect place to host the 2019 UCI Road World Championships and would love to see the event take place in his home county. Blythe was born and […]
Gwen Jorgensen: Exclusive Interview
Exclusive Interview Interview : Giannis Psarelis (February 2012) Triathlon World : There are many people that follow the triathlon elite scene but didn’t know anything about you until the moment that you’ ve earned a podium place and your Olympic spot at ITU WS in London. Could you please introduce yourself : when did you […]
The olympic games are more than win
Diana Riesler: ‘The medal from Gdynia has got a special place at my home’
Diana Riesler: ‘The medal from Gdynia has got a special place at my home’ Diana, you are coming back to Herbalife IRONMAN 70.3 Gdynia to defend your last year’s title. How do you remember that race? Gdynia was a great experience for me. Not only because of winning my first IRONMAN 70.3 title. It […]
Herbalife IRONMAN 70.3 Gdynia.Herbalife IRONMAN 70.3 Gdynia. Skipper, Schmid, Blokhin, Riesler and Ellis to lead the PRO field
Herbalife IRONMAN 70.3 Gdynia Skipper, Schmid, Blokhin, Riesler and Ellis to lead the PRO field 46 PRO athletes have registered to Herbalife IRONMAN 70.3 Gdynia, Poland. The race will feature top Polish triathletes as well as some well-known international athletes. Joe Skipper (GBR) and Diana Riesler (GER) seem to be the strongest contenders in […]
Ocean Lava Rhodes
Ocean Lava Planet triathlon series is expanding its reach with its latest event in Greece – Ocean Lava Rhodes – that is getting set to land on the most historically important and well-known island of the Dodecanese islands in the southeastern Aegean Sea – Rhodes island, which has been the area’s dominant island since […]
CCES calls for Russian athletics athletes to be banned from 2016 Olympic Games
CCES calls for Russian athletics athletes to be banned from 2016 Olympic Games (Ottawa, Ontario – May 12, 2016) – On behalf of the clean athletes of the world, the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) today renewed its call for the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) […]
Athletics Coach Dr George Skafidas Receives Lifetime Ban from All Sport
UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) today confirmed that a former athletics coach Dr George Skafidas, has received a lifetime ban from all sport following nine Anti-Doping Rule Violations. Skafidas previously was a UK Athletics licensed coach and ran a training group for young athletes at the Princess Royal Sports Arena in Lincolnshire. The nine violations related to his […]
BMC-Etixx Pro Triathlon Team powered by Uplace presents team line up for 2016
Press Release: December 9, 2015. BMC-Etixx Pro Triathlon Team powered by Uplace presents team line up for 2016 2016: start of a new chapter for the international professional triathlon team; Team launches new name from 2016 onwards: “BMC-Etixx Pro Triathlon Team powered by Uplace”, 8 athletes confirmed, David McNamee is a new face in […]
Triathlon Council in Europe Affiliated to the International Triathlon Union
Triathlon Council in Europe Affiliated to the International Triathlon Union To the Presidents and EB Members of the European Triathlon Federations December 6, 2000 Dear Presidents and EB members I enclose a press release that was sent out today. You should already be aware that ETU is not affiliated to the ITU. In future our […]
Blood doping in sport
The IAAF has sent a detailed response to the allegations that it has “idly sat by” and tolerated rampant blood doping in athletics, ahead of next week’s appearance by the IAAF before the UK Parliament’s Culture Media and Sport Select Committee’s inquiry into ‘Blood Doping in Athletics’. The document, which is now published on the […]
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Olivier Niggli as WADA’s new Director General.
Mr. Niggli, who has held the role of Chief Operating Officer since 2014, succeeds long-standing Director General, David Howman, who has chosen not to seek a further extension of his mandate with WADA. Effective 1 January 2016, Mr. Niggli will start transitioning into the new role that he will officially assume on 1 July […]
IAAF STATEMENT – WADA’s Independent Commission report
In response to WADA’s Independent Commission report issued today, the IAAF President, Sebastian Coe, has taken the urgent step of seeking approval from his fellow IAAF Council Members to consider sanctions against the Russian Athletics Federation (ARAF). These sanctions could include provisional and full suspension and the removal of future IAAF events. Commenting on the […]
Triathlon1 2015 – Greece
The Mediterranean Triathlon Federation (MTF) proudly announces the Sprint Distance International Triathlon Race «2015 Loutraki Triathlon 1 Mediterranean Championships». It is the second race of the Series Triathlon 1 out of three races that are going to take place in 2015. It is organized for the second year by the Mediterranean Triathlon Federation and the […]
Schinias Olympic Rowing Center : Cycling Course profile
Introduction After 2004 there are many cycling TT and Triathlon non drafting races that are organized every year at the 2004 Olympic Rowing Center. There is a 5kms asphalt road next to the rowing FOP (Field of Play). We will try to describe briefly the main characteristics of this cycling course: Windy It’s extremely windy […]
The Four Generations of Road Cycling Bike Fitting
Most of the road cyclists are a little bit confused as far as bike fitting is concerned. We have made an effort to describe shortly the history of bike fitting. It’s important to be noticed that some athletes and coaches were – and continue to be- ahead of their times but we describe the […]
Cycling TT : Change your training attitude for fast improvement.
I notice many triathletes and road cyclists fail to reach their Cycling Time Trials goals although they are doing a lot of training. So they become frustrated and disappointed and more than anything they don’t know how to face the situation. I believe that the following points could change your attitude towards Cycling Time […]
Road Cycling and Sport Science Lab : A relationship that needs a further improvement
Road cyclists intend to spend money in anything that could help them become better athletes. Unfortunately this is not the case for their cooperation with a sport lab. We have tried to identify the main reasons why cyclists don’t consider it necessary for their progress to work in a permanent base with a sport […]
Does your Heart Rate tells you always the truth?
Introduction Recently I had many discussions with some of the athletes I coach concerning the monitor of the intensity during training and races. The majority of the athletes do not accept the fact that there are cases that the Heart Rate (HR) Monitor doesn’t say the truth and that there are times that the HR […]
USA Triathlon Hall of Fame Welcomes Six Multisport Stars
BOSTON — USA Triathlon honored six talented multisport athletes and contributors in a celebration of the sport and its 40-year history at the 2015 USA Triathlon Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, presented by Rudy Project, held Saturday evening at the Harvard Club. The USA Triathlon Hall of Fame welcomed the Class of 2014 […]
Tony Martin : “Total physical and mental endurance from start to finish”
Tony Martin : An exclusive Interview. Tony is a former Royal Engineer, Army Commando, EOD (bomb disposal) serviceman who spent 12 years in the service. He is an experienced Arctic survival trainer and has taken part in expeditions in Sahara, Mongolia, Jungles of Belize, the Aturi Rain Forests in the Congo Basin and many other […]
Triathlon Season Starts
Triathlon racing starts in Cyprus on Sunday, April 5th with the Ayia Napa Triathlon and Sprint Triathlon organised by Nireas Triathlon in co-operation with Ayia Napa Municipality. The race, which is the first local triathlon event of the season, starts from Nissi Beach and expects to attract up to 100 athletes competing in a course […]
The 2015 IAAF Indoor Permit meetings get underway this weekend with two of the most famous and historic events on the indoor calendar: the Indoor Meeting Karlsruhe on Saturday (31) and then the Russian Winter meeting in Moscow on Sunday (1). Across a three-week period, the series moves on from Germany and Russia and features […]
IAAF reaction to German TV documentary
IAAF reaction to German TV documentary Monaco – The IAAF has noted a number of grave allegations regarding doping activities related to the sport of athletics in Russia, which have been broadcast on the German TV channel ZDF/ARD on 3 December 2014. An investigation by the IAAF Ethics Commission is already ongoing with respect to […]
Personal reflection on the 2014 NYC Marathon
Text : Katerina Alevizaki (Athens – Contributing Author) Personal reflection on the 2014 NYC Marathon The NYC marathon is a big celebration of the running community and running lovers in general. After all, as the organizers claim, this is “the world’s biggest and most popular marathon.” People from all over the world swarm […]
Will Clarke & Helle Frederiksen win Ironman 70.3 Lanzarote.
Press release: Uplace-BMC Pro Triathlon team: Ironman 70.3 Lanzarote Saturday 20th of September 2014 Will Clarke & Helle Frederiksen win Ironman 70.3 Lanzarote Romain Guillaume 3rd, Axel Zeebroek 9th The red squad of the Uplace-BMC Pro Triathlon Team was well represented in Lanzarote with 4 athletes at the start line: Helle Frederiksen, Will Clarke, Romain Guillaume […]
British rider Ben Swift has signed a new two-year contract with Team Sky
British rider Ben Swift has signed a new two-year contract with Team Sky, keeping him with the team until the end of 2016. The 26-year-old Yorkshireman has been a valued member of Team Sky since they began in 2010, achieving 11 victories and racing in five Grand Tours over that period. Swift made history when […]
Jens Voigt sets new Hour Record.
Jens Voigt has put the Hour Record back into the headlines Thursday evening in Grenchen, Switzerland in front of over 1600 fans at the Velodrome Suisse, setting a new record distance of 51.110 kms to break the 2005 benchmark of 49.700 kms set in 2005 set by Ondrej Sosenka. Jens Voigt was ahead of […]
James Chronis (GRE)- An Exclusive Interview
From 26th of August 2014 James Chronis a Greek- Australian talented Triathlete will represent Greece in ITU and other International Triathlon Events. We have asked him prior to answer some questions to introduce himself. My father, Dennis was born to Greek immigrant parents who travelled and settled in Australia in 1955. Both my Grandfather […]
IAAF explains their anti-doping strategy.
Monaco – The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), which historically has been at the forefront of the fight against doping in world sport, has today published a video interview and transcript with one of the world’s leading campaigners in this area. This ground-breaking initiative has been undertaken to better explain the fundamental structures and […]
European Championships, Marathon – Meucci vs Chabowski : A pace analysis
Marathon Runners are masters of pace. Even if you are a fast endurance athlete you can’t win the race if you don’t have the patience to follow the right pace according to your potential. Marathon pace is simple mathemetics and whoever tries to risk it’s 100% that he/she fail. It’s vey interesting to compare the […]
Marathon Training :A brief analysis of N. Spirig’s marathon pace.
A brief analysis of N. Spirig’s marathon pace Nicola Spirig, the 2012 Gold medallist has participated toady at the marathon event of the 2014 European Athletic Championships. Nicola Spirig had a personal best of 34:01 at 10km. That gives a safe prediction for 2:38 for a full marathon. Her best time at half marathon was […]
Bart Aernouts wins Ironman 70.3 Wiesbaden.
European Championship 70.3 Bart Aernouts wins Ironman 70.3 Wiesbaden Sunday 10th of August 2014 It’s another great Sunday for the Uplace-BMC Pro Triathlon Team. Bart Aernouts won his first European Championship Ironman 70.3 today in Wiesbaden. His Uplace-BMC Pro Triathlon Team mate Ronnie Schildknecht finished 7th. In a very strong female field, Liz […]
Swimming Australia secures host venues through to 2017
Swimming Australia is pleased to announce that the host venues for it’s major domestic events; the Australian Open, Age, Short Course and Open Water Swimming Championships, have been confirmed until the end of 2017. Following on from the success of the 2012 and 2013 Australian Swimming Championships in Adelaide, the SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre […]
IAAF the first international sports federation to launch anti-doping app
IAAF the first international sports federation to launch anti-doping app Monaco – The IAAF has launched a web app telling athletes what they need to know about all aspects of the IAAF’s anti-doping programme. The IAAF is the first international sports federation to launch a standalone app with detailed anti-doping information. It is free […]
Saxo Bank wants to continue partnership
Lars Seier Christensen, CEO of Saxo Bank, and team owner Oleg Tinkov met the press on top of Hautacam arm in arm after Rafal Majka had secured his mountain jersey. Saxo Bank passed on the main sponsorship title to Tinkoff Credit System for this season but both men wish to continue the collaboration. Lars Seier […]
Cobblestone drama
Arenberg, 9th of July – 2014 A breakaway group including Omega-Pharma Quick Step’s Tony Martin and created a gap to the field but the pace in the peloton was constantly high caused by the battle for position in the front of the pack to avoid crashes. Once again, Tour de France favorite, Chris Froome (Sky) had […]
Medical update on Andy Schleck
Andy Schleck has successfully undergone surgery in the Crossklinik in Basel, Switzerland. An MRI scan prior to the operation provided pictures of the right knee allowing the doctors to confirm the diagnosis of the team doctor. Andy Schleck’s knee is severely damaged: there are partial ruptures in the collateral and cruciate ligaments, the meniscus is […]
Corinne Abraham European Champion in Ironman Frankfurt Germany.
Corinne Abraham European Champion in Ironman Frankfurt Germany. Corinne Abraham of the Uplace-BMC Pro Triathlon Team has won today’s Ironman Germany, which is also the European Championship. It is her second full Ironman victory after her last year’s win in Melbourne. Clocking in at 08:52:40, Corinne Abraham edged out comfortably Liz Lyles (USA; 08:56:36) […]
Swimming Athlete Suspended for the Presence of Probenecid
(Ottawa, Ontario – July 8, 2014) – The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) announced today that Alec Page, a swimming athlete, received a sanction of one month for an anti-doping rule violation. The athlete’s urine sample, collected during in-competition doping control on April 5, 2014, revealed the presence of probenecid, a prohibited masking […]
Contador on the summer day in hell: I cross my fingers
Alberto Contador finished today’s stage without any misfortunes and moved to fifth place in the overall classifications. The captain of Tinkoff-Saxo was happy with the result: “The last days has been nervous with great risk throughout the stages. And today the crosswind was a factor as well forcing us to be well positioned. My […]
Swimming Australia : The President’s message.
Since the first Commonwealth Games in 1930, Australians have led the way in sporting endeavour, aspiration and achievement amongst the Commonwealth nations. In the pool we have won a remarkable 599 medals, including 256 gold. At the 20th Games in Glasgow later this month, 59 young Australians, 15 who are new members of the Australian Swim Team, and 44 who will […]
Tinkoff-Saxo presents the team for Tour de France
Tinkoff-Saxo has selected the nine riders for Tour de France 2014 after a thorough phase of decision. The team that will head out with the clear ambition of winning Tour de France is: Alberto Contador, Michael Rogers, Nicolas Roche, Rafal Majka, Jesús Hernandez, Sergio Paulinho, Daniele Bennati, Matteo Tosatto, Michael Mørkøv. The team […]
Fränk Schleck wins Luxembourg Championships
Fränk Schleck wins Luxembourg Championships Fränk Schleck capped off great teamwork by Trek Factory Racing to win his first National Championship since 2011, his fifth total, as he soloed to a last lap win in Luxembourg on Sunday. Trek Factory Racing also claimed four of the top five spots with Andy Schleck finishing in third, […]
Spain’s Javier Gomez Runs to Fourth WTS Title of 2014 in Chicago
Spain’s Javier Gomez Runs to Fourth WTS Title of 2014 in Chicago American Joe Maloy wins first USA Triathlon Elite Nationals title CHICAGO — The inaugural ITU World Triathlon Chicago came to a close Sunday in spectacular fashion, with Spain’s Javier Gomez breaking away from the field to earn his fourth ITU World Triathlon […]
Bart Aernouts (Uplace-BMC) wins Ironman France
Sofie Goos 4th in Ironman Austria Bart Aernouts of the Uplace-BMC Pro Triathlon Team has won today’s Ironman France. It is the first full Ironman victory for the seven-time half distance winner. Clocking in at 8:33:22, Bart Aernouts edged out Victor Del Corral (Spain; 08:37:23) and Tyler Butterfield (Bermuda; 08:40:56) for the win in […]
Tinkoff-Saxo – Statement regarding Roman Kreuziger
Tinkoff-Saxo (TCS) has been notified by our rider Roman Kreuziger that the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) is likely due to instigate disciplinary proceedings against him arising from an alleged violation of its anti-doping rules due to abnormalities detected in his Biological Passport in 2011 and 2012. Roman Kreuziger issued a press release earlier in the […]
Roman Kreuziger: “My biological passport does not have abnormalities”
I wish to announce that on 28.06.2013 I received notification from the Union Cycliste Internationale that the data in my biological passport had been examined for the period between 27.11.2007 and 09.04.2013.According to Cycling Anti-Doping Foundation (CAFD) experts there were abdnormalities in well defined and precise periods of the years 2011 and 2012.After receiving […]
Team Sky selection for Tour de France
Team Sky has selected its nine-man line-up for the 101st edition of the Tour de France, which starts with the Grand Départ in Yorkshire on Saturday 5 July. Tour de France champion Chris Froome will lead the nine-man team and will be joined by: Richie Porte, Geraint Thomas, Mikel Nieve, Bernhard Eisel, Vasil Kiryienka, […]
Didier wins Luxembourg Time Trial Championships
Trek Factory Racing’s Laurent Didier won his first elite National Time Trial Championship stopping the clock at 27:31 for the 21-kilometer course. Bob Jungels, last year’s victor, raced to a close second place five seconds behind, giving Trek Factory Racing a one-two finish in the Luxembourg National Time Trial Championships on Thursday. Ben Gastauer (AG2R-La […]
No. 1 World Ranked Triathlete Jorgensen Highlights Top International Field in Chicago
Olympians, Olympic hopefuls compete in Grant Park June 28-29 CHICAGO – USA Triathlon National Team member and No. 1 world ranked Gwen Jorgensen leads a field of 130 of the world’s top elite triathletes, including 19 Americans, who will compete in the ITU World Triathlon Chicago this weekend along Lake Michigan in Grant Park. […]
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